For Business

Juice Press discovers the key to smart energy management

Customer Stories
Sophia Cowles
November 16, 2022
For Business

Juice Press discovers the key to smart energy management

Customer Stories
Sophia Cowles
November 16, 2022

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Rapid growth is the dream of many businesses – experiencing booming demand and opportunity for expansion. However, scaling a multi-location business often comes with its own challenges and stresses.

This is exactly what happened with Juice Press. Read on to learn about the difficulties they faced when it came to energy, and how David Energy helped the chain of organic stores to achieve operational ease, get value out of their investments, and reduce electricity costs.

"Staff members would crank the AC up, leaving it in a permanent hold state as low as 50° F for hours – sometimes days – at a time."

Booming business leads to rapid growth

Juice Press was founded in 2010 with the goal of bringing customers a variety of fresh, nutrient dense products on the go. In response to growing demand for fresh and organic products, Juice Press expanded on it’s original menu of pressed juices and raw foods to become the fastest growing USDA-approved organic food and beverage company in America. 

Juice Press boasts over 80 retail stores nationwide and 18 stores in New York City alone, having grown rapidly over the past few years.

Juice Press was challenged by onsite energy operations 

Unsurprisingly, rapid growth led to operational and scaling challenges for the business. They struggled to keep energy expenses down and manage temperatures across multiple sites. Although facility managers worked to keep things running smoothly, onsite staff would change thermostat temperatures frequently throughout the day. In summer months, staff members would crank the AC up, leaving it in a permanent hold state as low as 50° F for hours – sometimes days – at a time.

This meant that energy management was causing undue operational burden and driving up costs, and Juice Press felt it was imperative to gain more confidence that things onsite were running correctly. 

They piloted a test to install smart thermostats across a few stores, with the objective of enabling facility managers to remotely adjust and control thermostats whenever employees deviated from their settings. However, this required facility managers to manually re-adjust settings multiple times a day, every day, to keep up with the constant adjustments. The process became unmanageable and unproductive – and the pilot was discontinued.

David Energy helps put the smarts into thermostats

That’s where Juice Press turned to David Energy. Our initial evaluation highlighted undesirable energy patterns to resolve, including frequent temperature changes, persistent permanent holds, and lack of schedules, which were all adding to the unnecessary and excessive usage of energy. 

We implemented new thermostat programming, keeping business hours and customer comfort in mind – giving the Juice Press team peace of mind that their energy management practices were set up for success. Layered with our easy-to-use remote thermostat management software, facility managers now had an effective way to make sure onsite operations were running smoothly. Through our partnership, we also installed smart thermostats at the remainder of the 18 NYC Juice Press locations to scale these practices across the portfolio.

Less stress, less spend with smart energy management

With the implementation of these strategies, Juice Press was able to avoid the overconsumption and overspending on energy that had come with their thermostat management challenges. Additionally, they were able to take advantage of electricity savings and incentives programs offered by David Energy to reduce their costs further – programs that are traditionally reserved for large commercial enterprises.

When faced with rapid growth, Juice Press needed to make sure that expanding to more locations didn’t come with expanding costs and operational burden. By working with David Energy, they gained the confidence to grow without stressing over energy.

And they're not alone – top food and beverage brands including Subway, NAYA, Dig Inn and more have partnered with David Energy to improve energy spend and operations. Meet with our team today to find out how you could do the same.

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